Purple Knitted Fun Fur Scarf

Figure 1
So you think you can knit? Well, now you can!  This yarn is so soft, cuddly, warm, elegant, etc. So many ways to describe it. Yes, it is forgiving as well. How can yarn be forgiving? Well, fun fur is indeed! No need to take the project apart to start over, no need to cry in frustration because you have to take out rows, no need to throw needles across the room in anger!  This yarn hides imperfections! Yes, just keep going when you make a mistake! Unless you absolutely have OCD as I do and are a perfectionist!
Here's the pattern:
Cast on 18 stitches
Knit 5 rows
Purl 6 row
Row 7: Knit, YO twice, Knit, YO twice to end (54 stitches)
Row 8: Knit, Drop the Yarn Over stitches, Knit to end (18 stitches)
Repeat Rows 7 and 8 till desired length.
Knit 5 Rows
Bind off in Knit Stitch.
Or for another twist on the pattern: Cast on 18 stitches and Knit every row! See Figure 1.
Any questions? Email cindycgardner@gmail.com
Happy Knitting!


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